Placenta Encapsulation
Photo by João Paulo de Souza Oliveira on Unsplash
Why Encapsulate?
Placenta Encapsulation is a natural way to support the fourth trimester. It has been shown to support a smoother postpartum transition, increase energy, promote faster healing, establish more balanced moods, lessen postpartum hair loss and increase milk production.
The placenta is extremely nutrient rich, high in iron, protein, vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6 and of course, your own natural hormones. Your placenta is perfectly made for you, by you. Experts agree that the placenta retains hormones, and thus reintroducing them to your system may ease hormonal fluctuations.
Placenta pills are believed to:
o Increase postpartum energy levels
o Ease your postpartum transition
o Help the uterus to contract down and therefore lessens postpartum bleeding
o Ease fatigue
o Contain your own natural hormones
o Balance your system
o Replenish nutrients lost during childbirth
*The placenta is dried, ground, and encapsulated according to food safety standards. Little Star Birth Services SD uses Universal Precautions and adheres to OSHA safety standards.